Hello, and welcome to the first blog post of The Creative Cougar! Life has been a whirlwind of change for me since September 2011. At the beginning of the month I was working as a running store sales associate and coach in New York City. The next thing I knew, a series of events arose that led me to coming down to Smithfield, NC for an interview... and like magic, by the end of the month I was standing in front of a class of 6th and 7th graders as the new middle/ high art teacher at NCS! Life is funny in how it sometimes grants your wishes when you least expect it... I've believed my entire life that things happen for a reason (even if the reasons aren't always evident), and now 4 months into my job here at Neuse I feel extremely grateful for the opportunity that has allowed me to be a part of this wonderful charter school. I am excited to continue building up the middle/ high school art program here, and look forward to becoming more involved in the community.
The purpose of this blog is to keep parents updated on the projects students are working on in class, as well as to showcase completed student artwork. Having arrived to Neuse after the beginning of the 2011/2012 school year, the second post in this blog will be devoted to showing pictures of the artwork my first semester students produced. I am so proud of how hard these students worked and am amazed by their talents, and look forward to working with them again in Art 2 and AP Art.
In the meantime, here are some photos of the cougar mural I recently finished in the lobby by the main office --- "Prowling for Excellence!"